Thursday, January 2, 2014

Young Love

I came across a blog today, 23 Things to Do Instead of Getting Engaged Before You're 23.

Before I read it I think, okay, I get it...We are witnessing in America a huge rise in babies having babies and the divorce rate is overwhelming. So sure, I understand how someone could look at us in the "under 23" category and say we are crazy for jumping into marriage and babies.

& then I read it, and was just so incredibly sad for this woman who obviously just needs to turn the mirror inward and reflect on her own life.

I could say a million ugly things about her and her "philosophies" on life but really I can only address what I know. What I know, as a married woman with two kids who is 23 years old is this:

I have learned more in my three years of marriage and motherhood about myself than that girl will ever learn by standing naked in front of windows, making out with strangers, and cutting her hair.

By now you are wanting to read her ridiculous post, so here you go.

So here are a couple of  things I have learned and know BECAUSE or maybe in her opinion IN SPITE OF of getting engaged, married, oh & knocked up and fat before 23.

1. I agree with you girl, your spouse can be a safety blanket. & that rocks. There is nothing like knowing at the end of EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. that the person you love is there to catch you, love you. Be in love with you. & that means every single piece of you. Forever.

2. I know the struggle and joy of learning to live simply. Did I get a passport, travel the world, and explore the "unknown"? No. What I did do was put complete faith in my husband to take care of me, and vowed to do the same in return. Waiting patiently on payday and budgeting where every single dollar will go. Waiting for years together for that perfect job opportunity. Sticking it out in the hard times. Talk about brave.

3. I learned that my body and I can be strong. Stronger than Crossfit can ever make you. I have conceived a child, carried that child for nine months, labored for 23 hours and then had him taken from me in a cesarean. You know what? I did it again. This time I labored with the help of my husband for 16 hours and with nothing but my own strength as a woman and the endless support from my husband gave birth to that pretty baby girl.

4. Marriage is tough. Every day I have to take the time to put my husband first and that's okay, because he is putting me first too. At the end of the day, our needs aren't always met but there is peace in knowing that I am being actively pursued by my husband. Day in, day out. He never fails.

5. Being a mother has taught me patience. Yes, I am tested daily. Sometimes to the very edge of my sanity. & then I find incomparable joy in my little ones. It's worth it.

Did I "know myself" when I said "I Do"? Maybe not. I did know that I loved my soon to be husband, I knew that he was the perfect fit for me. & I was brave enough to commit to finding myself with him, saving my adventures for him and I to share together, and allowing myself to be loved in a way I never thought possible. & the coolest part? I get to spend the rest of my life finding myself, and I get to do it with the coolest husband and most awesome kids by my side.

Enjoy your cocktails & Nutella. If it looks like this life, then I'll take settling down any day.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Love this, especially #5