Monday, December 17, 2012


Obviously, the shooting has touched us all. As a mother I felt particularly emotional. Last night, after Hunter was asleep and it was Brock and I in bed I was just really upset. Brock prayed for us, and all the little things as well as for those precious babies and their families. Afterwords, I asked Brock to go with me to check on Hunter one more time. We walked in there and I looked down and him and looked at Brock and smiled. I looked back down at my baby boy and I said "I love you man. I am so very thankful for you."

& then my heart melted.

He opened his eyes (after hours of sleep, mind you) and looked up at me. He blinked a couple of times.Then he rolled over and I covered him back up and he went back to sleep.

Of course I cried all the way back to our bedroom. I just felt like that was my little angel looking at me and saying "It's going to be okay, Mom." I just felt like my baby was telling me there was still good in the world.

All this shooting has done is give that awful man everything he wanted, pain and hurt by the truckload, media attention, turning his name into a household name. It has made people see the world in a bad way, made some of us loose hope. Hunter showed me there is still good in the world. There are still sweet innocent babies that we owe it to, to raise in a way that is beautiful and uplifting to our Creator.

I love each and every one of those little miracles, and what they stand for, and I will never forget them or the countless other children that go on every day for different reasons. Cancer, accidents, abuse, neglect.

I will raise Hunter to honor life, and love. In some small way that is how I will honor your names. & when I hold my little boy tight I will know that my God is holding you all.

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