Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Life with two

Well hello there.

Yes, yes I am still alive. Some day it feels like just barely but alive all the same. Right now a glimpse into my world and you would think you had gone on a field trip to the zoo. My house looks like it was hit by a tornado, and really I guess it has. A three foot tall windstorm by the name of Hunter. Luckily at this moment both kids are asleep. Haddie in her pack and play, on her belly, against the reccomendations of pediatricians everywhere. The only way I can get her to nap. It also means I have to check on her every five minutes to keep my mommy heart from racing. Hunter is in his room, which is about to make it's transistion to big boy room. My heart is cracking a little just thinking about it.

Which brings me to the whole point of the story. Our lives have changed by leaps and bounds in he past four weeks since Hadley's birth. That's right. My baby is one month old today. The thing that I notice the most, is that it is so fast. The pace has gone up considerably since she got here. I find myself grasping at the moments. In a world where it is so easy to be worried about what is coming next, I am trying so hard to hold onto "right now" before it is gone.

With number two I am trying to do things different. Take more pictures. Record more milestones. It is hard though, because she is number two. & that means that number one is somewhere tearing something up, but making memories of his own! How do I love them both as much as I want to? At the end of the day I just snuggle them both and hope they know that their Momma thinks they hung the moon and stars. When it's all said and done I have faith that no matter what happens in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, that Brock and I are doing right by our babies.

 Number two also means that I have become a little lax about a few things. I am not nearly as uptight with a newborn now as I was with Hunter. I nurse when I need to and the days of hiding out in a room somewhere are long gone. I can do almost anything with one arm, because the other is usually supporiting the littlest and don't mention sleep because it just doesn't happen around here. Hadley is a cat napper by day and has to slleep with Momma at night. I worried for a few days, asking all my friends for suggestions and now I am just doing what I need to do to get us all fed, rested, and happy. If it means my girl needs her Momma at night for awhile, then she gets it. We will cross all bridges when necessary. When you add another baby to the mix, you really learn to pick your battles.

All things considered we are so blessed and we know it. We are happy, healthy, and we have these two beautiful and wonderful children that feel too good to be true.

Can it get any simpler?

Here we are living in a house that keeps us warm. We have each other and while we have our bad days, we are so crazy in love still. We have two kids who are healthy and there is nothing more important than that. We have a God that showers us daily with these blessings and I think that's all that can ever be asked for. My heart is full, and happy. Two is perfect. Two is crazy and wild and fast but so, so wonderful.

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