Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sweet Blessings from Above, Babies Fill a House with Love...

That's right, our duo is now a trio (well, in the making!) and we couldn't be more excited! Brock & I found out we are expecting on July 31st, and baby Watkins will make his or her appearance April 7th! I was getting ready to shoot a wedding, and even as I was coaching myself to wait to take the test until I got home so that it could sink in, I was ripping open that box, and well, you know the rest! Three minutes later we were staring at two pink lines! 6 more tests and three days later we were beyond ready to expand our family by ten fingers and ten sweet toes!

Today, I am almost 8 weeks along and baby is doing just fine but Mommy is struggling! It is such a comfort knowing that the morning sickness, I mean, ALL DAY sickness not to mention the cramps, and bloating, tender breasts, and the constant urge to pee, is all in preparation for a sweet miracle to join our lives!

However, my sweet husband (your amazing Daddy) has made everything so bearable. He won't let me do a thing, and is so in love with pregnant me. How did I get so lucky? He has already coached me through shopping trips to Target where nothing fit & I was highly considering maternity pants. He draws me warm baths, and rubs my back till I go to sleep and best of all, he talks to Baby like he or she is already the love of his life! And I am so very okay with that! I love watching him kiss you good morning, and tell you sweet dreams at night, Baby. You are so very loved already!

This week you are the size of a raspberry! Can you believe it?! Weeks ago you were a silent prayer, and now you are growing by leaps and bounds! Your little arms (buds:) are growing, and you have eyes, ears and a tongue! And although we can't tell if you are a Girl or Boy your little "parts" are making themselves known!

&& the best part? You move! I can't feel it yet, but you do! Sometimes I swear I feel you, and then I know I really am crazy, but it helps to know you are in there, safe & sound waiting for Mommy & Daddy to welcome you into this crazy life of ours where you will undoubtedly, become the center of our world!

I have been to the Dr, twice already, for blood work and to confirm that there was indeed a little one growing inside me! My next appointment is in six days! We get to not only see you, and your cute little gummy bear self, but also hear your precious heartbeat! I read somewhere that it is beating so fast, 150 bmp actually! That just tickles Daddy & I to death, and we can't wait to hear it!

So my little rasberry, see you next week!


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