Or was it?
This morning, (and by morning I mean 20 mins ago) I had a moment. Hence lying here in bed feeling bad about it and finding it necessary to burden you with my troubles.
Anyways, Brock is in charge of morning feedings. The end. He is also a champion baby washer but as far as his number one duty outside of just loving Hunter unconditionally is that early morning feeding. He does it without fail & without complaint. Go Dad! So this morning when Brock woke me and told me he had put some Mommy 's Milk out to thaw I was instantly in a tizzy! "Don't you have time to feed him?" I asked in what I am sure was not a nice tone. He calmly explained that we were out of formula for that morning bottle and he didn't have time to properly thaw one. So I drag my mean little butt out of bed and do it myself. When I get it done before he leaves, I make sure he knows. Literally the minute he walks out the door I am kicking myself in the rear!
I wasn't dragged out of bed to "work" per se, nor was it really a loss of my precious sleep. It was a chance to spend 5 minutes more than I normally would have with my awesome kid who loves to cuddle when he is sleepy more than I love holiday coffee! {which is a lot, I might add!}
It was a chance to tell my husband how much I love him face to face and conscious, rather than the usual sleepy I love you, goodbye.
Why am I not more thankful and PRESENT! These tasks we do without thought are more than just obligations, they are privileges. How dare I waste one single moment?
It is something I will have to remind myself for the rest of my life. The sense of urgency will remain but as long as I can temper it with moments where I am just still, just being, I think we will be okay.
My goal for today: some quiet time with my Father, and peace that most mornings I have a great hubby who does that not so loved task, without ever asking me,"Can't you do it?"
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