It started Sunday night. I think. In reality, I guess you would say it started three years ago when the Mr. and I started setting up house. In those three years we moved twice. Things got left unpacked. Then we moved into our house. Whew! We were blessed with a huge garage. Do you want to know what a hug garage gives you an excuse to do? Hoard. That's right. And then there were the walk in closets. Boy, oh boy! Room for my lovely stuff, and my stuff from college and from highschool, and the sweater I borrowed from my Sis and never returned, and endless shoe boxes. Have I mentioned the spare room? Well that's my office of course. Until yesterday I wasn't even able to WALK IN THERE! That's right. All my decor, party supplies, craft supplies, photography props, hand me downs from well meaning family members, left over paint cans and brushes was just piling up in that room, eying me every time I walked by it. Well Brock and I decided the other day we meant business with this house. We started room by room. I had this theory to start in a space and as we cleaned make piles of stuff that was either trash, or goodwill, or went to other spaces. At the end of that space we would move those piles where they went. A trash bag or its respective room. It was one of those situations where our relatively tidy space looked like a tornado hit it before we went to bed. Stuff was everywhere! Tonight as we pile up the EIGHT bags of trash (old letters, old papers, random junk that no one wants!) and the TEN bags/boxes of things to take to Goodwill I finally am at peace! I am so proud to have parted with things that I have had trouble parting with in the past as well as get some things done I have been meaning to do. We washed and put away a thousand bottle/pump parts, and I have my office in somewhat of an order. At least I can go in there and work! I am actually here now, blogging away! It was a hassle, but so worth it. The house feels lighter and so do I!! Yay for changes!
Bottle mania! Don't you just love how cute a Boon drying rack is on a counter? && excuse the lack of grout on that back splash! | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
My sweet little office! Thanks to Little Baby Garvin blog for the chalkboard inspiration! |
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