Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Letter to Hunter- 6 Months

Dear Baby-love,

Can we just talk about cute you are little man? On an everyday basis you just melt this Momma's heart. How did we get so lucky? I love your belly laughs and your baby mohawk. I absolutely cannot get over how your chunky feet wont stay in socks and how you constantly wave. 6 months, you rock.

You are so funny! Sometimes you see I am in a mood, and you wait till you catch my eye and your whole face lights up. How can I be sad, or mad at you when you smile like that? That's right, I can't. You are having a blast with this half a year thing. Sitting up makes you such a proud little boy, and you could do that for ages. Put you on your belly or back and you are okay for awhile, maybe you'll turn over a time or two, but then it's game over. You want to stand! How independent you are my tiny love. Too bad you can't yet, but I have a feeling I will wake up one morning and you will be on the move. I both cannot wait for, and dread that day. I will not lie. I like putting you down in one place and coming back or turning the corner to find you still there. I am not excited about baby gates and cabinet locks, but that day is coming.

You love so many things. One of your favorites is our food. I have slowly started giving you bigger pieces of our food. Green beans, and banana and sometimes strawberry. We also bought you a mesh teether and we put frozen mango in that for you. Officially your favorite snack, ever! Soon you'll be begging for more and I will feel obliged. You are too durn cute to turn down. Another big change. Your mouth! & I don't mean teeth. You just squeal and squeal. When we are out people just get the biggest kick out of your antics. It's too cute for us to ask you to hush! I may never make you for that matter! Plus, we are secretly working on Mama. Sssh. Don't tell Daddy.

Anyways, tomorrow is your first Halloween. You my sweet boy, are going to wow the crowds in your cow costume. But hey, that's no different than any other day right? Keep on growing and changing and I will keep on loving every minute of it. You are, to say it again, our biggest joy. Love you, from here to the moon and back.


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