So yesterday was a big day for us! Due to some insurance changes we missed our 16 week appointment for Hadley. Then we switches practices and so that was another stressor for me. Yesterday was our first appointment with the amazing staff at See Baby Atlanta, and Intown Midwifery.
Brock took off since both offices are located in Atlanta and I am a complete moron when it comes to anything "ATL". We made it to our first appointment about 30 minutes early, and after a couple insurance issues that made me cry (go figure!) we went back to see the ultrasound tech. This appointment was focusing on the 20 week anatomy scan. The whole process took about 20-25 minutes and it was wonderful. Our sweet tech was so verbal about what we were seeing, and very personable. She confirmed that Hadley was still indeed, a girl, and had grown no extra parts! Great news!
As we were leaving, they asked us to wait, because Dr. Bootstaylor wanted to see us. Me being who I am, immediately thought something was wrong. Why else would he want to see us? Come to find out he just wanted to meet us! It was so great to have him tell me that everything would be okay, and he totally validated our decision to switch practices, as well as have the VBAC. He gave us a run down of our scan, letting us know everything looked great. Then he told us a projected weight, and so if I keep up at the rate I am going, we are looking at maybe 7lbs 7oz. Smaller than her brother, but a good, healthy weight!
Then it was over to Intown for our appointment there. We found it pretty easily, even if we did park in the wrong deck and have to walk a country mile. We met with Anjli who was just as lovely as I imagined she would be. She spent more time just talking to us, than every appointment combined with my pregnancy with Hunter. It was so nice to have someone be genuinely interested in my previous story and just as curious about what I expected from this pregnancy and birth. Brock and I both left feeling so empowered and supported!
Add that all to the fact we have the most dedicated and passionate doula/friend to go through all of this with us and we are so thrilled about how this will all happen! I am by no means against any form of birth, but I just want the birth experience I have this time, be the one I was meant to have. I feel like that because of the amazing staff at these two practices I will have just that!
So, we leave tomorrow for the beach and I have just an overwhelming sense of peace about everything at the halfway point. I can enjoy my vacation! Bring on the sunshine!
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