So I have been thinking about getting hunters schedule down for reference and in case anyone else cared. I know that personally when we were attempting to get Bug on a schedule it helped to see & know what others were doing with their little ones at the same stage!
But anyways, I know some people don't believe in schedules and I really didn't either. I didn't like anything that had a parent dictated approach. It just wasn't for us. However, we did want some sort of structure and right about the time we decided we would start trying we quickly realized that hunter had taken care of it! He gad really put himself on a schedule. It goes a little something like this:
Anywhere from 7-8:00 we wake up. Hunter gets a 6 oz bottle and we start paying. Usually just on my bed for awhile. Once I am ready to venture out of our room for coffee or to start cleaning, we start "stations". This is basically putting on his play mat, then his exer saucer his bound to watch tv while I float around the house cleaning and talking to him about god knows what! Sometimes I even throw in a good dance or two :) Hunter might be the only one who loves that!
Then it's usually nap time. We aren't quite at the stage where I can just put him down so I rock him for the most part. This is normally around 11:00. On a good day he sleeps for 2 hours and then we wake up, eat anotger 6 0z bottle and start playing again. Sometimes we throw in a walk or we can run our errands.
He goes down for a second nap about 3-4:00 for another blessed 2 hours while I start dinner, get decent for when Brock gets home, and other really awesome housewife duties :) Then it's dinner and we like to eat it together if hunter allows that. Now that he is eating too it both easier and harder in different aspects.
Bath time follows and that's a big hit at our house. Then a massage with bedtime lotion. Sometimes Brock takes him around the house saying goodnight to everything but usually he just settles hunter and himself into the rocker and he feeds him while I read goodnight moon and usually one other story. By this time Baby Bugs eyes are heavy and he is ready for bed. After a kiss goodnight, and a couple extra because we can't decide who should get to kiss him last, we put him down. Turn on his sleep sheep, cover him up and he's good till morning.
We really are blessed with a wonderful baby. I couldn't ask for more!
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