January, coming into 2013 we took our first trip as a family. We enjoyed a couple of days in the mountains, giving Hunter his first taste of snow, and our first taste of road-tripping with baby. I learned that I am not a skiier, or snowboarder for that matter. I do however, know how to hold down a bleacher with a hot cup of chocolate in my hand.

April, our big boy turned ONE! We enjoyed having our friends and family around us celebrating one of the biggest moments of my life, Hunter's birth! We also planted a huge family garden and got chickens, and spent a lot of hot days putting up fences, planting beans and crossing our fingers for fast growth.
May, Hunter started walking and the pace of our lives picked up. We also found out something you already know, our sweet little babe was a girl! The daughter I had prayed for. We were on cloud nine. A perfect little boy and a sister on the way...Can the year get any better? The garden started producing and we started getting eggs. Summer was in full swing, and we were loving it!
In June, I found out that it could. I was thrilled to take our first beach vacation as a family. We went to Tybee Island with our friends/family the Spears. Hunter hated sleeping in the condo, but his crying was worth it the first morning we got up as the sun was rising and took a walk to the beach. I cried like a baby watching my baby see the sand and waves for the first time. He was thrilled and I was thrilled watching him. I'll never forget him holding his Daddy's hands and letting the waves crash into his little feet for the first time, and the huge smile on his face as experienced it. Pure wonder. & totally amazing.
July, Turns out that 2013 was a year of firsts. For some ungodly reason we took our first camping trip together one of the hottest weeks of the year with me 24 weeks pregnant. Note to self: Get pregnant in the Summer next time. Being that pregnant in the Summer just ain't fittin. We also celebrated my nieces first birthday & started to realize just how fast our kids were growing. & last but not least we celebrated our 2nd anniversary.
August, My baby sister got married. We planned, and planned and argued, and planned but the day came and went and it in spite of the rain it was beautiful. Most importantly, she was beautiful & she was happy and I gained a brother in law and a nephew in the deal. {{Aren't I lucky?}}
September, Wait. Life is fast. Wasn't it just February? September was fairly laid back. We were enjoying the last few months with Hunter as an only child. I had a beautiful shower thrown by some amazing friends and family and we staretd counting the days till we got to meet our Haddie.
October, It was here. The month that we would meet our daughter. We spent the days staying busy, taking Hunter to the Zoo, and getting another yes, another haircut, and other things to bide our time. I started gearing myself up for a long wait, but our darling girl made her appearance on the 19th, a couple days before her due date. We were perfectly smitten and still are. & then came Halloween and before we knew it she was almost a month old. Where does the time go? We also Hadley's namesake, Betty Joyce Watkins. A beautiful, kind, loving woman, who taught me a lot in the short time I knew her. She also gave me the gift of my Brock. He get's his sense of humor and huge heart from her. I thank her for that and will miss her greatly.
November, We celebrated Thanksgiving as a family of four. I count my blessings daily, but it was a special day to relish all the goodness that we have in our lives. I can't even begin to describe how blessed I felt.
& here we are. In December, and I am writing this and just shocked at how full our lives have been. Brock jokes that, "We met in 2009, started dating in 2010, got engaged and married in 2011, had a son in 2012 and a daughter in 2013. 2014 better be a quiet year." It's funny but that's how it has been for us. Fast paced but such a wonderful ride. We know that there will probably be no marriages or babies this year but I hope I can look back at the end of '14 and have this overflowing feeling I feel now.
Here's to special moments, and the people we get to spend them with! Out with the old, in with the new.
Hope everyone has a safe & happy New Year!!