Thursday, September 8, 2011

10 Weeks with Baby Watkins

We totally cannot believe it has been 10 weeks! && over a month since we found out! This week baby is the size of a prune but we still call it Baby Bird! 

What to say about week 10? This past week I really noticed a roundness in my tummy. I love it, and Daddy loves it! And it means you are safe & sound and growing and that's really all that matters. Your little arms and legs are growing and now can move at the joints. Your little organs are also all fully formed. You have fingernails and hair forming && you are swallowing and kicking, although Mommy can't feel it yet! (I wish!!)

One thing about being pregnant, other than the incessant nausea, is that I am a TOTAL basket case! I pretty much cannot listen to any song about children, or sickness, or death, or love. So the radio is pretty much out!Commercials make me cry, ecspecially the baby commercials like Huggies or Pampers. In a nutshell, pretty much everything sets me off and I am a wreck! I can't even imagine what kind of emotions I will be feeling when I get to hold my sweet baby in my arms for the first time!

Cathy, my awesome mother in law, did take me maternity shopping and we got a couple of things! I am on the hunt for jeans for my short legs and big ol' belly! This one will be a fun adventure!

Oh, we so cannot wait for the moment you get here BW! There is so mcuh love waiting on you!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nursery Ramblin'

So, as baby grows & grows Brock and I realize how much we have to do before he or she gets here! We went on a mini-vacay to North Georgia this weekend and it was so blessedly peaceful & so relaxing! But, when I got home I just took a look around and it blew my mind how much I have to do! There is so much attention to give to this house, not to mention baby's room!

But, as far as the thought process goes, I am so ready! I have already picked out boy & girl bedding from Pottery Barn Kids (LOVE THEM!) The girl's theme is so sweet, not to girly but just feminine & sweet enough to be perfect for my baby girl!

&& I wanted to stay away from themes, but there will be Owl's! I think they are so sweet!

As for the boy bedding, I don't want to over-do the "All Boy" thing! I don't want to set a standard by doing just sports or just outdoors! And I definately didn't want to do an over done theme such as Pooh Bear or Disney! So we decided on this...

We might do planes, trains & automobiles! A red wagon-ish theme :)

I really love everything we have decided on! Now I just need to get the soon to be nursery cleaned out && so we can paint as SOON as we find out whether or not we are having a baby boy or girl!

Oh yeah! New news! We have FINALLY settled on a girl name!

Catherine Rose

We just love it! We will be calling her "Cate" but Brock's mom is Cathy and we wanted to honor her in some way with this first baby girl (if it is!) since the first boy was named after my father in law! It's the first thing we have picked that we both love and can't imagine parting with!

Yay for naming baby & picking out nursery themes!

Friday, September 2, 2011

House Divided

So, it's officially football season and things are just heating up around our house! Duh-hubby is a, brace yourself, Tech fan. A nasty, nasty Tech fan. Don't get me wrong I love him to peices but he makes some bad calls in judgement. Until September we get along just fine, but I see him in a new light when he starts cheering for those "Ramblin' Wrecks". Gross.

I of course, a "Dawg" all the way. What else would any respectable, southern raised, Georgia girl say she was? And I do more than put on a cute shirt, clay UGA earrings, and my game face. I cheer, I scream, I jump off the couch and generally forget my raisin'. But hey, if you aren't passionate about it you ought not to be watching! Needless to say, this year I have a little advantage. It's two against one while Baby Watkins is tucked in my tummy! & boy does that just burn Brock up!

So, we made a deal. If Bird is a girl, she'll be raised up proper to cheer on the Bulldogs right alongside her Momma. Of course if it's a boy, I have to bury my resentment and put the little man in that ugly, ugly yellow!

Lord, give us a girl :)

Kidding, we are totally cliche and just want a happy, healthy baby but while you are working on my prayer list, if He could give the little one the predisposistion to enjoy good football (and by that I mean UGA football) then I would be one really proud momma :)

Enjoy football season ya'll!